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Guided Tours

Route Urkiola

Route by car

The Urkiola route will surprise you with its steep mountains in the purest Swiss style, its endless valleys and rivers, as well as a happy ending in the sea of ​​the interior of Euskadi, Ullibarri-Gamboa.

1. Dima

It extends on both sides of the Indusi Valley, a tributary of the Arratia, extending southward to Mount Goikogana. From the mountains of the Urkiola Natural Park, which you can access from Dima, "the small Basque Switzerland", you can see all the summits of the neighboring Gorbeia Natural Park.

2. Baltzola cave

Inside the cave of Baltzola strata are found from the Magdeliense to the Neolithic, has been and is a meeting place of various activities little related to each other ranging from grazing to high-level climbing through archeology and spelunking .

3. Urkiola Natural Park

The Urkiola Natural Park is the first protected enclave of Euskal Herria. A part of it is from Bizkaia, and the other from Álava. In this mountainous massif there are forests of beech, oak, chestnut, pine ... setting a landscape of complicated and impassable relief, where wildlife abounds (wild boar, foxes, roe deer, badger, griffon vulture, peregrine falcon ...)

4. Otxandio

Otxandio is one of the most characteristic towns in our area. Euskera survives in the streets, in young and old ... while they go from "pintxos" and "potes" through the town. Cheer up and come to share this culinary tradition, affordable and that is undoubtedly characteristic of Euskadi.

5. Aramaio

In Ibarra, walking along its main street, we will arrive at the Vicente Goikoetxea square where the house of the illustrious musician D. Vicente Goikoetxea is located. The Hermitage of San Sebastian or «Sastiña», the most important in the history of the Aramaio Valley, and next to which the town of Ibarra was formed.

6. Landa

Located on the banks of the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir, the center of hamlets of Landa, was covered by the waters; It was on the slopes of one of the highest hills and bathed by the river Zadorra. There is a local recreation park that has 40 hectares of land on the banks of the reservoir and has different equipment such as landscaped recreation area, picnic areas with tables, toilets buildings, showers, fountains, playground, bar, etc. . In addition, its main attraction lies in its stretch of beach equipped for bathing.

7. Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir

The Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir is the longest and largest in Álava. It has become a reference of first order in leisure activities and sports (fishing, canoeing, windsurfing, walks, ...). On the banks of the reservoir is the Vitoria Nautical Club. The reservoir is surrounded by an artificial path (45 km) where you can go for a walk, ride a bike.etc.

8. Ullibarri-Gamboa

This is a beautiful corner of Álava next to a reservoir of the same name, supplied by the Zadorra river. When the reservoir was made, many houses were under water.



Plaza Bea-Murgia
945 430 440 


Plaza Zubiaur 
946 122 695 


Plaza Nagusia s/n
648 265 246 

(Abierta solo en verano)

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