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Route through Orozko ( PR-BI-33 ) 

Ibarra - Zaloa - Urigoiti - Aresketa - Ibarra


We start from the Ibarra square, going up some stairs in front of us. We draw a few villages to reach a road, which we will take ascending towards the water tank. From here and following the track we will ascend to the neighborhood of Zaloa.

We will cross the neighborhood passing by a fountain and the parish church of Santa María, although the titular saint is San Pedro, where behind it, we will take a track that leads to another water deposit. We continue along the track until we cross a fence, a little further on we will take a grass track on the right.

This, about 100 meters, it will make us turn left to go up a path between two pine woods. At the top we will continue, now through a field, in the same direction, always taking “Atxas” of Itzina as reference, until we reach a track linking Urigoiti with Pagomakurre.

Going up this track we can visit the wall of Itzina, where the “Atxas” stand out in the vertex, and later the natural gate to this place, which is the “Atxulaur “ Eye. But the route makes us go down from this point along the track, towards Urigoiti passing by the sign of Park Natural of Gorbeia.

After passing the fence and about 100 m. we leave the track, taking another one less marked to the left of grass and stone that immediately, in the following curve we will leave, going down by the right to cross a fence. We take a track that steeply slopes down to a recreational area, where we can find tables and a fountain. The track from here is cement to the neighborhood of Urigoiti.


We passed next to the parish church of San Lorenzo. Descending through the whole neighborhood, we can admire the architecture of these beautiful farmhouses until the last house, where a path begins which we will go down following this ancient road, the Arisketa neighborhood.

Here, descending a little we go to the road that joins the neighborhoods of Ibarra with Urigoiti, where on the right and parallel to the Atxuri River, we will arrive at the hermitage of San Roque next to the bowling alley, a little further on, already within the neighborhood of Ibarra to the convent, ending in the square.


8 KM

2 hours and 15 min

350 m


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Guided Tours


Plaza Bea-Murgia
945 430 440 


Plaza Zubiaur 
946 122 695 


Plaza Nagusia s/n
648 265 246 

(Abierta solo en verano)

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