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Ruta por Otxandio ( PR-BI-52 ) 

Otxandio - Olazar - Illuntxo - Morgaola - Otxandio

We start from the Plaza Nagusia, in front of the town hall, where we find an informative panel about the paths of the municipality. In the corner of the square we turn right to descend (along with the PR-BI 50 and 51 and the GR 38) through Uribarrena street, following the old Camino Real layout. We walk along the old Via Crucis that goes towards the Calvary near the hermitage of San Roke.​

A little before reaching this small temple we leave the old road to access the narrow path on the left that leads us to the old beech forest of San Rokeoste. After crossing it, the path leads to the Otxandio variant. We must cross it and continue on the most obvious path until we enter the beech woods of Abitxu and Olazar. A series of bridges will help us to save the waters of the Oletaerreka River, which over and over again crosses our path.

As soon as we save the second bridge, we leave the route of the GR 38 to continue on the left, parallel to the course of the Oleta. We walked among beeches and oaks, by Olazar, while we enjoyed the quiet place. We reached a new bridge, which we crossed to continue straight ahead until we found the Oleta road. On the left, a beautiful bridge of singular stone rises over the Amezola stream. We cross the road and continue upstream, avoiding the branches on the right, until the path forces us to cross the stream.

Between plantations of different conifers we reach a new crossroads. The path on the left returns to the village, in the area of ​​Mainondogarai. But we follow the right parallel to the nursery, until reaching the beech where we find the old road from Otxandio to Oleta (GR 123). We walk along the cobbled road for 100 meters, until the next junction, where we turn left to cross the Illuntxo beech.

The path leads to a dirt track, where our path crosses again with the GR 38. We must continue straight ahead towards Kurutzalde, where we will find a curious stela (s.XIX). At this point we can return to Otxandio on the left and access Elexabarri through the neighborhood of Kerexara or continue the itinerary on the road to the right in the direction of the Morgaola neighborhood.

We walk between farms and conifer plantations. We ignore the secondary crossings and continue straight ahead until our path leads to the track that descends from Itza (PR-BI 50). We turn left and descend to a new crossroads, where the other PR continues on the right while we continue straight ahead. After saving a beautiful and ancient bridge over the Urkiola River, we arrived at the neighborhood of Morgaola. Our path crosses the neighborhood to continue towards Otxandio, again along the Camino Real.

We reach the neighborhood of San Antonio, where the hermitage of the same name is located. According to tradition, the neighbors united in front of this hermitage before starting their pilgrimage to Urkiola. We continue in the direction of the urban helmet passing next to the hermitage of Elexabarri and the old cruise of Urigoiena, one of the milestones that marked the entrance to the town.

From Urigoiena we access Artekale, passing previously next to Plaza Andikona. This is an emblematic place for the residents of Otxandio. In him a great number of neighbors died in the first bombing that our territory suffered (1936). Formerly this curious enclave housed one of the municipal laundries, on the edge of a small stream that crossed the area. The Camino Real leads us once again to the Plaza Nagusia, the starting and finishing point of our itinerary.We start from the Plaza Nagusia, in front of the town hall, where we find an informative panel about the paths of the municipality. In the corner of the square we turn right to descend (along with the PR-BI 50 and 51 and the GR 38) through Uribarrena street, following the old Camino Real layout. We walk along the old Via Crucis that goes towards the Calvary near the hermitage of San Roke.


6,4 KM

2 hours

67 m


More small routes

Top 10



Guided Tours


Plaza Bea-Murgia
945 430 440 


Plaza Zubiaur 
946 122 695 


Plaza Nagusia s/n
648 265 246 

(Abierta solo en verano)

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